Petite Ballet Classes for Kids

Children will be introduced to the concepts of rhythm and movement while learning the basic fundamentals of ballet terminology and positions. This class will help connect the body and brain while having a blast!

Petite is a classical ballet term meaning “small.”

Ballet is a form of dance that is graceful, fluid, musical, and expressive

Each online ballet class for kids begins with a welcome song or rhyme which welcomes each child by name and sets a positive tone for class. We want to ensure that each child feels included, comfortable and welcomed into this unique environment. The simple act of stating a child’s name holds great importance. It lets them know that they are seen and appreciated and that no matter what has happened prior to class, we are happy they are with us.

Learning Ballet in a Comfortable and Safe Environment

Children are introduced to the basic structure of a Ballet Class

In Tiny Dance Life Petite Ballet classes, Class begins with a warm up. Warm up is essential because it gets your child’s body and mind ready to work to ensure that they will have a productive and enjoyable class. Warm up includes the introduction to basic French ballet terminology which includes plie (to bend,) releve (to rise,) tendu (stretched,) saute (to jump) and more - this structure is usually consistent throughout most of the world.

*Photo By: Brenda Adams

Now Let’s Hone Those Ballet Skills!

After warming up, dancers will move to center work

Children will take turns practicing a skill (for example leaping, it varies from class to class) while the rest of the children in the class will watch them. This is a great way for children to learn from their friends and practice taking turns. Other weeks we may play the freeze game where students will practice basic large motor skills such as marching, galloping, and skipping and when the music stops, they freeze. This exercise has many benefits including self-regulation (starting and stopping) and listening skills.

Wrapping up Each Dance Class with Reverence & Social Time

Every class ends with a reverence - a series of bows and curtsies performed to slow music

Reverence gives the children a chance to acknowledge their teacher and friends and it is a way to celebrate ballet’s traditions and elegance and respect. Once the ballet class for kids has ended we will then open up the room to do a quick check-in and allow children to speak to one another and share how they are feeling before we say goodbye.